Pontlliw Village Hall - The History
The village hall as we know it today was officially opened in 1972, although it has benefited from many improvements since then. However, this was not the first village hall and in fact the idea of a village hall for Pontlliw goes back at least ninety years.
In 1993, for the 21st anniversary of the opening of the hall, I published a complete history of the hall, which included some interesting facts on the village in general.
The original print run in aid of the village hall has long since been sold out, however, I am asked even now, especially by local children who are doing history projects, whether I have any copies still available. For those who failed to get a copy I am reproducing the entire text on the following pages.
N.B: The reader must remember that references to the present day actually refer to 1993, the date when it was written.
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